Tech Talks

From software and web development articles to career tips, TDK experts share their thoughts through informative tech talks.


Making Retrospectives Effective

See how TDK Technologies utilizes retrospectives to continually improve software development processes that result in high quality solutions. 


DevOps: Improving How IT Gets Done

See how TDK Technologies utilizes a DevOps framework to improve how software developers and software operations teams implement quality solutions. 

malware slow down growth

You Can't Let Malware Slow Down Business Growth

See how TDK Technologies analyzes anti-virus protection options for businesses and organizations

looking to the future v2

Looking to the Future - IT Skillset and Workplace Trends

See how TDK Technologies breaks down the emerging trends in the IT industry, particularly around IT skillsets and workplaces.

improving communication

Improving Technology Consultant and Customer Communication

See how TDK Technologies emphasizes the importance of good communication between technology consultants and customers to improve relationships and the quality of projects

selecting a company for career

Selecting a Company for Your Consulting Career

See how TDK Technologies recommends IT consultants determine which employers best fit their career goals

software development with application containers

Software Development with Application Containers

See how TDK Technologies uses application containers to greatly simplify the software development process. 

building business requirements

Building Business Requirements

See how TDK Technologies strives to fully understand the business needs of a client before recommending the best solution to solve those needs. 

angular universal

Angular Universal: Faster Loading, Happier Users, Better Search Ranking

See how TDK Technologies utilizes Angular Universal to improve perceived user experience for web development projects. 

android vs ios

Android vs. iOS

See how TDK Technologies analyzes the two dominant operating systems for mobile devices and how they affect mobile development. 

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