Case Studies

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Modernizing Rental Operations: Enhancing Legacy Systems and Mobile Solutions

A leading car rental company sought to modernize its legacy systems.  See how TDK Technologies provided expert capacity teams, supporting the development and integration of key software applications for rental operations, including mobile solutions and legacy system updates.

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Unlocking Business Value: Unified Product Lifecycle Management Solution

A global sports equipment manufacturer faced inefficiencies in managing product lifecycle data due to fragmented systems. See how TDK Technologies created a unified system that integrated with the company’s upgraded ERP for seamless operations.

lead management

Lead Management Software Assessment

A global provider of retailing, wholesaling, franchising and related B2B services relies on a custom lead management application to route leads to stores for customer acquisition. See how TDK Technologies identified the solution and long-term support.

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Custom Locator Application

An industry leading automotive rental company needed to add location search capability to its existing software platform. See how TDK Technologies enhanced the users' experience.

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Streamlining Blood Analysis Workflows with Modernized Software

A leading medical diagnostics company sought to enhance existing blood analysis software.  See how TDK Technologies partnered with the client to deliver a custom software development and testing solution. 

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Technology Assessment

A leading manufacturer of specialized motor oils, fuel additives, synthetic engine oils and industrial lubricants needed a technology assessment to facilitate future growth. See how TDK Technologies defined their technology roadmap.

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Rewards Platform Development

A global leader in the financial services industry needed an experienced Agile development team to enhance their rewards platform. See how TDK Technologies innovated their business.

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Systems Analysis and Design

An environmental engineering process technology company needed reliable production servers and applications to operate the business. See how TDK Technologies eliminated a critical risk to their business operations.

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Technology Roadmap

A successful manufacturer of children’s soft play furnishings needed a technology roadmap to support growth objectives of the business. See how TDK Technologies defined their technology roadmap.

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.NET Framework Upgrade

One of the largest holders and servicers of student loans nationwide needed to upgrade their software application platforms to a new version of the Microsoft .NET framework. See how TDK Technologies migrated their business.

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