Tech Talks

From software and web development articles to career tips, TDK experts share their thoughts through informative tech talks.

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Understanding JavaScript Frameworks for Software Development Projects

See how TDK Technologies helps clients understand JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, which are powerful tools for developing rich, interactive web and mobile applications.

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Refactoring Applications for the Cloud: A Decision Maker's Guide

See how TDK Technologies helps clients navigate key considerations involved in refactoring applications for the cloud to maximize scalability, agility, and cost-effectiveness.


Developing Applications Using the AWS Cloud: Best Practices, Benefits, Considerations

See how TDK Technologies custom software development experts utilize best practices and a deep understanding of client business needs to  maximize opportunities when developing applications utilizing AWS Web Services.

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Cloud Native Apps: Unleashing Benefits for Modern Enterprises

See how TDK Technologies expertise in cloud native applications unlocks transformational change in custom software development.

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Cloud Computing: How to Effectively Use Someone Else’s Computer

See how TDK Technologies expertise optimizes software for the cloud to unlock the full potential for a successful integration.

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Most Common Web Application Threats

See how TDK Technologies monitors threats to web applications and offers ways to counteract them for successful web development projects. 


Best Practices for Growing Your Business in the Mobile World

See how TDK Technologies helps companies utilize mobile development to take advantage of the dramatic shift to mobile device usage. 

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Angular Universal: Faster Loading, Happier Users, Better Search Ranking

See how TDK Technologies utilizes Angular Universal to improve perceived user experience for web development projects. 

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Android vs. iOS

See how TDK Technologies analyzes the two dominant operating systems for mobile devices and how they affect mobile development. 

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Mobile Development

See how TDK Technologies breaks down the differences between mobile apps, hybrid apps, and native apps, and how to choose the right one for your mobile development process.

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